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Part I: Development history and construction
Part II: International service
Part III: Polish service
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[J. Magnuski] (altered) |
History – Armament and equipment – Combat use – Camouflage – Models | Gallery
This page is devoted to the service of Vickers Mark E (6-ton) light tanks in Polish Army. Development history, technical description and specifications are in part I. International service of Vickers Mk. E tanks is described in part II. Additional photographs are in the gallery.
Note: links marked this way lead to Wikipedia articles.
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Would-be Polish tank – Vickers Medium Mark D (Irish). In spite of enthusiasm to Vickers medium tanks, it did not fulfill all requirements – or just was too expensive. [Tank Encyclopedia] |
By mid 1920s, it became clear, that the Polish Army needed modern tanks to replace a fleet of ageing WWI-era Renault FT. Since Polish engineers had not enough experience to design a tank from a scratch, nor factories had experience with tank production, it was decided to buy a licence abroad, which would be a base for own works. At the same time, in April 1926 there was announced a tank design contest among Polish engineers, but the only one, which reached prototype stage in 1928, apeared a total failure (WB-10 design by L. Eberman).
Beginning in 1925, Polish Ministry of Military Affairs maintained contacts with English Vickers ordnance company (from 1927: Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd). At that time, Great Britain was one of the few countries that produced new tanks. Already on 31 July 1925, the Polish Armament Committee announced its intention to purchase 50 Vickers tanks, having in mind Medium Mark II tanks produced for the British Army, as meeting Polish requirements, but the company did not obtain approval from the government for their export. During this period, Polish Army was interested in tanks weighing 10-12 tons, defined as "light", but corresponding in fact to medium tanks, and classified so in Great Britain. From the end of 1925, Vickers offered to Poland an export Vickers Mark C medium tank instead, developed for Japan, viewed in January 1927. Then it offered its improved version, developed after taking into account Polish reservations about insufficient armour of Mark C (publications suggest it might have been Mark D, purchased in a single copy by Ireland, but it is not clear)[note 1]. On 22 August 1927, the Armament and Equipment Commitee (KSUS) passed a resolution to purchase 30 unspecified Vickers tanks, wanting to equip the army with a number of modern tanks before the contest for Polish tank design would be resolved. Despite these declarations, the plans to buy Vickers medium tanks were not finally implemented, and no specific phase of negotiations took place, because the export models did not fully meet Polish requirements, although the decisive factor was probably their "extremely high" price, as we read in one document (approx. £10,000 - 430,000 złotys).
More details about Vickers Mark E background and technical description in Part I.
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Polish Vickers tanks under construction in Vickers-Armstrongs factory, Tyneside, June 1932 (note MG magazine covers) |
In 1928, Vickers-Armstrongs completed a design of a new, lighter Vickers 6 Ton tank, also known under its export designation as Mark E (Mk.E). It was to be one of the most significant tank developments, and in the beginning of 1930s it was one of the most modern tanks in the world. The tank was designed in two basic variants: Mark E Type A (Alternative A) with twin turrets, armed with machine guns, and the single-turret Mark E Type B (Alternative B) of 1930, which was the world's first tank with a co-axial gun and machine gun in a turret (so-called duplex mounting). Some publications claim, that Polish delegation was shown a chassis of the new Vickers tank already in January 1927, before the design was completed, but it had to be another medium tank, incorrectly named "Medium Mark E" in one Polish document, because the 6-ton tank had not existed yet by then[6]. The first sketches of the 6-ton tank were shown to the Polish delegation in February 1928, when the purchase of heavier tanks was still being considered as a primary option. On 3 April 1928 however the KSUS postponed plans of buying Vickers tanks and turned attention to new cheaper French Renault NC tank. Only when trials of the single bought Renault NC appeared disappointing, it was decided in 1930 to return to Vickers option.
The first Vickers E tank was tested in Poland in September 1930; it was presented by the co-designer Vivian Loyd himself. It rode a 500-kilometer raid on Warsaw – Lviv route, without major defects. Average speed was 22-25 km/h and maximum speed was 37 km/h, but developed for not longer than 10 minutes due to overheating of the engine and exhaust system. Although the trials revealed several shortcomings of the tank, such as an overheating engine, a thin armour and a cramped combat compartment, the overall assessment was quite good. During this period, the main object of interest of Polish military authorities was the American Christie wheel-and-track tank, but because Christie finally failed to deliver the ordered example at the end of 1930, it was decided to purchase Vickers tanks (more on 10TP tank page). At first, Poland made an attempt to buy only parts of the chassis and transmission, with clear intention of developing an own design, bypassing a purchase of a licence, but Vickers made a condition to purchase one or more tanks and the licence. As a result, in May 1931 a commission was sent to Great Britain to negotiate terms of the contract. However, unlike most countries that bought single tanks or small batches, Poland decided to acquire more original Vickers tanks, thus becoming its largest customer.
On 14 September 1931, Poland bought 38 Vickers Mk.E Type A twin-turret tanks, with spare parts and a manufacturing licence. Some older publications erroneously claimed, that 50 tanks were ordered, with further 12 in parts for local assembly, which remained unassembled, or counted as a licence fee. However, the contract explicitly mentions 38 tanks and certain spare parts (of which no tank could have been assembled). The price was initially stated at £3800 per tank and £18,500 for spare parts – £162,900 in total, with the licence fee included. However, as the armour plates of first delivered tanks turned out to be less resistant than specified in technical conditions, the price was eventually lowered to £3165 per tank – £138,770 in total. This was due to the fact that 13 mm thick plates were punctured by British .50 machine gun at a distance of 350 m during acceptance tests, and as Vickers was unable to provide more resistant plates, it was eventually agreed to lower the requirements to the impenetrability at a distance of 575 m and against rifle balls at all distances. One tank finally costed 98,115 złotys (at the rate of 1:31 – Poland also benefited from a significant drop of the pound)[note 2]. It was estimated that breaking the contract would be less favorable, as Poland would have remained without a license for a modern tank, gaining only a contractual penalty. Due to their lower combat value, however, these tanks were classified in Poland as and equipment for experimental purposes.
It is noteworthy, that the Soviets were afraid of alleged Polish plans to obtain a superiority in tanks in the 1930s. Therefore, exagerated intelligence reports on Polish plans to buy Christie and Vickers Mk.E tanks were a spur for the Soviets to quickly buy licences and start mass production of both tanks, as their own early designs weren't successful much. As a result, 15 twin-turret Vickers E were bought by the USSR as soon as on 28 May 1930, without much hesitation (even before its show in Poland), and they were delivered between end of 1930 and July 1931 (it is ironic, that this decision resulted in thousands of manufactured T-26 and BT family tanks, while Polish economy, combined with a lack of aggressive plans, allowed to manufacture less then 150 light tanks before the war...).
The ordered 38 tanks were to be delivered in March-July 1932, but were delivered between June 1932 (eight tanks) and early 1933. All were twin-turret variant (Type A), their serial numbers were: VAE 408 – 445. First eight tanks received military numbers: 1354–1361, and the rest: 1462–1491.
After results of acceptance trials, Polish tanks were soon modified. At first they received an oil cooler, in a perforated armoured cover on the left of combat compartment's rear wall. Finally there were added large side air intakes behind the combat compartment, which improved engine cooling. It was an unique feature of Polish Vickers tanks only. The tanks were equipped with them between winter of 1934 and spring of 1935[7]. This, and some other minor improvements, were designed by Vickers and completed in Poland (at the 3rd Armoured Battalion workshops and the PZInż. works), at Vickers' cost. All tanks were accepted by the Polish Army by August 1934, after completing of modifications and a 1200-km test raid of two tanks. Also in 1934-35, 22 tanks were rebuilt to the single-turret Type B standard (read below).
The Polish tanks differed from all the other Vickers tanks mainly by having aforementioned large, characteristic air intakes on both sides of the combat compartment. They caught air while driving and directed it to the opening in the armor plate above the air-cooled engine (it is not clear, if the original grill was removed). Rear vertical corners of the housing were rounded. An entire left rear corner of the housing, including walls, opened upwards to the right, which allowed access to the hatch above the engine.
In the second half of 1930s, Polish tanks also received additional high toolboxes at the rear of fenders (in a side view it gave an impression of a built-up rear part of the hull, a bit similar in silhouette to the 7TP). In addition, turrets of Polish twin-turret tanks were clearly distinguished by large boxy 13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine gun magazine covers protruding from the roof, remaining until the end of their service, in spite of withdrawal of 13.2 mm machine guns from armoured weapons. They also had standard Polish universal ball weapon mountings. During the service they also received ventilation chimneys in the hatches (it is interesting that one such turret, from a tank captured by the Soviets, later found itself on one Soviet improvised armored train).
Due to identified shortcomings of the tank, it was decided not to produce it, but at the end of 1932, a design work on its improved development began in Poland. This design was initially labeled: VAU-33 (Vickers-Armstrong-Ursus 1933), eventually renamed to the 7TP – for 7-Ton, Polish (tank). The most important improvement was the use of a new, more powerful and reliable water-cooled Diesel engine in a higher rear compartment, which changed the silhouette of the tank (it is worth noting that the license did not cover the engine, so Poland had to work this out anyway). In addition, the suspension and armor were strengthened and, ultimately, better anti-tank armament (37 mm cannon) was used. The resulting 7TP tank was considered the most successful tank of the Vickers E family in the world. The turrets removed from Vickers twin-turret tanks were used in the construction of the first 7TP series. The second vehicle of this family developed in Poland was the C7P artillery tractor.
In 1936, an attempt was made to modernize Vickers tanks in order to bring them to the 7TP standard. By March 1936, PZInż.235 (Saurer VBLDb) diesel engine was experimentally fitted in one tank at the Armored Weapons Technical Research Bureau in a modified elevated rear compartment. It also received the 7TP tank's transmission, reinforced suspension, thicker bolted armor plates and smaller changes. The tank, number 1359, was referred to as the V7TP and was probably a twin-turret tank[note 3]. The modification proved successful and the tank developed higher average speeds with lower fuel consumption, but in December 1936 the idea to modify remaining tanks was abandoned due to a high cost. The cost of rebuilding the first tank was estimated by the PZInż at 67,893.23 złotys (over 1/3 of new 7TP cost). Further fate of the converted tank is unknown (it might have been given to some unit).
It is worth mentioning, that in 1933/34 the Poles developed also a modernized Renault FT tank, with Vickers suspension, called RV (Renault-Vickers). It reached maximum speed of 13 km/h, which was not worth the effort and it remained a prototype.
In 1937, a proposal was made to retrofit the tanks with 37mm wz.37 Bofors anti-tank gun, probably with the whole 7TP turret. It was not undertaken due to lack of funds and probably also due to a wear of Vickers tanks, intended mainly for training purposes. As the Finnish Vickers Mk. E later proved, the Bofors gun with a complete new armored mantlet could have been mounted in the protruding bay of the existing turret, although the cost of the gun would still be high. Unfortunately, nobody proposed relatively cheap improvement by simply replacing front armour plates with those manufactured in Poland, with higher resistance – however, it would not provide a significant increase in the resistance against anti-tank cannnons anyway.
In 1933, two tanks were experimentally fitted with the British Straussler trench-crossing lever gear (see here). However, this device appeared impractical and unsuccessful - it got damaged during testing of one tank.
Tank designations:
The tanks were known in Polish documents just as Vickers tanks or "V" tanks in short, sometimes Vickers 6-tonowy (6 Ton), or in later documents: 7-tonowy. In Polish postwar publications they are commonly called "Vickers E", although it does not seem to be popular before the war. Twin- and single-turret variants had no specific designations. In Western publications they are sometimes
marked with: "dw" and "jw" letters. It should be kept in mind, that they are conventional abbreviations of Polish words:
"dwuwieżowy" = twin-turret and "jednowieżowy" = single-turret, and they are not a part of vehicles' designations. These abbreviations are not used in any serious Polish sources. We don't recommend using them, and they can be replaced with proper terms in other languages. If you use them (eg. in wargaming), they must be eventually written after a space: "Vickers E jw." or: "Vickers E (jw.)", keeping in mind, that they were not tanks' designations.
As for original manufacturer's designations, the most correct is: Mark E Alternative A or B or Type A / B. The designations: "Mark A", "Mark B", used in many publications, are therefore incorrect and emerge from pure ignorance. We haven't found any information in serious publications about a planned "command" conversion of the Polish Vickers tanks, with a 20 mm gun in a new one-man turret, allegedly designated: "PZInż.126". It seems to be only an "invention" of one model manufacturer. |
You can read technical description of the Vickers Mk.E in part I. Construction differences of Polish tanks were mentioned above, below are described differences in armament and equipment.
All the tanks were delivered in a twin-turret version (Type A), without any armament nor its mountings. In Poland, they were first armed with two air-cooled 7.92 mm Hotchkiss wz. 25 tank machine guns, which were standard weapons of Polish armoured forces at that time. All weapons were mounted in newly designed Polish universal ball mountings, but possibly not before early 1933[note 4].
Before the contract was signed, it was planned, that the tanks would be armed with more reliable water-cooled 7.92 mm wz. 30 machine guns (Colt-Browning copy), and 14 tanks would have mixed armament, with 13.2 mm Hotchkiss wz. 30 machine gun in left turret. Despite it, it was decided to fit all turrets with significant boxy covers for 13.2 mm magazines, protruding from turrets' roofs. A commander sat in the right turret, which was fitted with small sleeves in a roof for signal flags (it was the only difference between turrets).
In order to increase firepower of new tanks it was decided to arm part of them with unpredicted earlier short-barrel 37 mm Puteaux cannon, in armoured car variant (wz. SA), which could be mounted in the same universal mounting. In the second turret remained air-cooled 7.92 mm Hotchkiss wz. 25 TMG. It might be noted from photographs, that the cannons were initially mounted in left turrets, then they were moved to right turrets (probably by autumn 1933). One early photograph shows even a tank armed with two 37 mm cannons.
37 mm SA cannons however offered poor performance against armour, and were treated as a temporary measure, so there were further analysis on optimal armament carried out. As a result, on 9 November 1932, even before a completion of delivery, the Chief of the Main Staff decided to convert most tanks – 22 – to single-turret, using British Type B turrets with 47 mm guns.
In May 1933, before the delivery of new turrets, it was decided to arm temporarilly:
- 6 tanks with 37 mm Puteaux SA cannon and 7.92 mm wz. 30 TMG,
- 16 tanks with 13.2 mm Hotchkiss wz. 30 TMG and 7.92 mm wz. 30 TMG,
- 16 tanks with two 7.92 mm wz. 30 TMG.
It is noteworthy, that this plan did not include wz. 25 Hotchkiss TMG, which were de facto used. It is assumed that this was the state of armament of the tanks until the assembly of single turrets, except that the replacement of wz. 25 air-cooled TMG with water-cooled wz. 30 took longer, and in November 1934 at least part of tanks with 37 mm cannons were still armed with wz. 25 machine guns. There exists also a photograph of tanks with 37 mm cannon and 7.92 mm wz. 30 TMG.
Yet in 1933, sixteen tanks were rearmed with 13.2 mm Hotchkiss wz. 30 machine gun in the right turret, classified in Poland at that time as the "heaviest machine gun" (nkm). Their machine guns were delivered from France only in January 1933[6]. According to initial plans, these tanks should carry 720 of 13.2 mm rounds and 2500 of 7.92 mm rounds. Initially the tanks might have been armed with wz. 25 MG in the other turret. In August 1935, all remaining sixteen twin-turret tanks were listed as armed with 13.2 mm wz. 30 TMG and 7.92 mm wz. 30 TMG. This variant is however rarely seen on photographs.
In order to enhance combat capabilities of tanks, 22 turrets of the single-turret variant Type B, armed with 47 mm Vickers QF cannons, were bought in Vickers works in Great Britain and delivered in March 1934. They were bought without coaxial machine guns, and then they received Polish water-cooled 7.92 mm wz. 30 TMG, mounted to the right of the gun, in an armoured cover, different from standard Vickers one. According to some publications, 5940 machine gun rounds were carried. From mid-1934 to March 1935, 22 tanks were rebuilt with single turrets and new upper plates of the combat compartment. They also were fitted with ammunition boxes for 50 rounds (39+10+1). Apparently, the first were rebuilt tanks armed with machine guns only, because in November 1934 there existed tanks with 37 mm Puteaux guns beside new single-turret tanks.
Due to a decision to withdraw all 13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine guns from armoured weapons, all remaining twin-turret tanks were rearmed with two water-cooled 7.92 mm wz. 30 machine guns again by 1937. As for part of tanks at least it has been done already by November 1936. Their water radiators were lightly armoured. There are different information as for ammunition carried: 5000 (planned), 5940 or 6000[7]. Such was the final armament of twin-turret Vickers tanks used in combat in 1939 (a reason of rearming might be questioned, because, in spite of its faults, 13.2 mm machine gun increased chances to fight lightly-armoured and softskin vehicles anyway). Remaining 13.2 mm machine guns were given to the Navy as anti-aircraft weapons.
The armour of Polish tanks was the same, as of basic Vickers Mark E tanks, made of riveted rolled armour plates. Vertical plates of hull front, sides in forward and middle part, and rear of combat compartment were 13 mm, upper front plate and driver's hatch were 10 mm, sides in rear part and rear hull plate were 8 mm, turrets of both variants - 13 mm all around, top and bottom - 5 mm. The air intakes' housing was made of ordinary steel sheets.
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Vickers platoon before the war – twin-turret tank on the right is fitted with a radio, with an antenna folded horizontally between turrets (the only known photograph of Polish Vickers so equipped). |
As a rule, Polish Vickers tanks were not equipped with a radio. Signalling was done by colour triangle flags. Only in 1937 or 1938, one tank from the Armoured Weapons Training Centre was experimentally modified in this purpose and probably fitted with RKB/C radio (it demanded a screening of an electric wiring). It was planned to modify the electric wiring in further eight single-turret tanks, but plans to fit them with radios were abandoned due to lack of enough number. A question of actual fitting of Vickers tanks with radios is not certain. There is however known one photograph of the twin-turret tank with a radio (probably the experimental one). According to one account, only just before the war, four tanks of the 12th Company (company and platoons commanders) received Polish radios, probably RKB/C (not produced by that moment anymore). Some authors suggest, that three of them were only fitted with receivers, but it does not seem justified. It is doubtful, if four tanks of the 121st Company were fitted with radio as well, as some authors suggest.
The radio was placed in the hull. It demanded an antenna of 3.5 m bamboo stick. On twin-turret tanks they were carried horizontally on two struts between the turrets, when not in use (like in twin-turret 7TP tanks). There is no information if single-turret tanks were fitted with a radio eventually and how the mast was carried.
The first tanks delivered formed the "V fast tank company" in the 3rd Armoured Regiment in Warsaw (as opposed to "slow tanks" Renault FT). After a reorganization in February 1934, the unit was re-formed as the 3rd Armoured Battalion (Batalion Pancerny) in Warsaw. In 1934, there were nine tanks, six of them in the combat company and three in the training company. In 1937, when new 7TP tanks started to arrive, Vickers tanks were moved from that unit to the 2nd Armored Battalion in Żurawica near Przemyśl. The second unit equipped with Vickers tanks from 1934 was the Experimental Armoured-Motorized Battalion (11th) at the Armoured Weapons Training Center (CWBrPanc) in Modlin. These tanks were used for training and manoeuvres, among others, assigned to the only motorized experimental brigade - the 10th Cavalry Brigade.
Between 4 and 20 September 1938, 23 tanks from both battalions took part in large manoeuvres in Volhynia. They formed a company, assigned to the motorized 10th Cavalry Brigade (10.BK – 10. Brygada Kawalerii). The manoeuvres in fact were just a preparation for an action to regain Zaolzie province, inhabited by Polish majority and captured by Czechoslovakia by force in 1918. The Polish government took a shameful opportunity to regain Zaolzie, when Hitler took western parts of Czechoslovakia after Munich agreement. On 22 September 1938, the 10.BK, assigned to the newly created Operational Group GO "Śląsk" (Silesia), was moved to Zaolzie. The province was taken over without fighting, by a separate "agreement" with the Czechoslovak government. The Brigade - and its tanks spent next two months in Zaolzie and took part in several parades. At the end of November, two Vickers platoons along with the brigade joined the Operational Group "Podhale" formed for the further annexation of part of Spisz, but did not take part in an unfortunate incident between the troops of both sides at Jaworzyna. The tanks remained there until December
In July 1939, there were 20 tanks in the 2nd Battalion, 17 tanks in the CWBrPanc, and the last tank in Armoured Weapons Technical Research Bureau. Five tanks in each battalion were mobilization reserve, not used in peacetime duties (A-class), 12 were B-class (training-mobilization), and three tanks in the 2nd Battalion were C-class (training only). The tanks were used intensively for training, so most of them were quite worn out in 1939.
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Vickers company at Spisz, November – December 1938. On the left, Polski Fiat 508 radio van. [8] |
During the mobilization in August 1939, Vickers tanks were used in two light tank companies of Polish only two motorized brigades. The 11th Armoured Battalion in Modlin formed the 121st Light Tank Company for the 10th Cavalry Brigade, while the 2nd Armoured Battalion in Żurawica formed the 12th Light Tank Company for the Warsaw Armoured-Motorized Brigade (WBP-M).
A light tank company had 16 tanks: it should be 10-11 single turret and 5-6 twin-turret ones. It consisted of the commander's troop with a commander's tank, and three platoons with 5 tanks each (detailed company structure). Most probably in 1939 the platoons were mixed of three single-turret and two twin-turret tanks.
There is a slight doubt concerning a number of tanks in the 121st Company, because Maj. Franciszek Skibiński, the Chief of staff of the 10th Cavalry Brigade, always complained in his writings, that the company had only about 7-8 tanks, while Col. Stanisław Maczek, the brigade commander wrote: "seems, it was only 9" in his memoir, and wrote of 13 in other accounts. However, according to official numbers, it should be equipped with all 16 tanks. It must have had at least dozen or so tanks, because lesser number would contradict with last fights of the company, considering a number of losses.
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Vickers platoon and the C7P tractor during the border regulation at Spisz, November – December 1938. The 10.BK tanks fought in a vicinity and a similar terrain during the first week of the war. [8] |
The 121st Light Tank Company (commander: Lt. Stanisław Rączkowski) was initially fighting with the 10th Cavalry Brigade (10. BK). The tanks were supporting Polish motorized cavalry, fighting in delay actions against elements of two German armoured divisions in Island Beskids mountains in southern Poland, from 1 September 1939. Due to scarsity of armoured forces, the 121st Company was first kept as a reserve, and along with two companies of tankettes (including cannon-armed ones), was used as a kind of a "fire brigade", thrown at threatened sections of the brigade's front. On 3 September 1939, Polish tanks, attacking along Krzeczów – Skomielna road, twice repelled an infantry of the 2nd Panzer Division, which was attacking the flank of the 10th Mounted Rifle Regiment (10. PSK). On 4 September the company supported an assault of the 24th Lancer Regiment at Kasina Wielka village, along with the 101st Reconnaissance Tank Company. It helped to repel elements of the 4th Light Division and the 3rd Mountain Division. On that day, the Germans lost three tanks and two armoured cars. Polish forces halted the enemy advance that day, losing two Vickers tanks and a couple of tankettes (one tank stuck in a creek, and its turret was later utilized as a monument at Kasina Wielka). During the next days, the Company fought day-by-day, losing one tank on 6th September at Trzciana village near Wiśnicz (there was killed the 2nd platoon's commander, 2nd Lt. Michał Łukaszewicz – photographs are at Odkrywca forum, where the place has been identified).
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The 121st Company's Vickers destroyed at Trzciana, 6. 09. 1939. |
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An abandoned Vickers tank, probably of the 121st Company. |
On 8 September, during a night march in constant withdrawal, the company's tanks, being in a rear guard, ran out of fuel near Przyłęk village east of Mielec. This way the 10.BK lost its only real tanks. The Brigade commander, Col. Stanisław Maczek – later General and commander of Polish 1st Armoured Division, described it this way in his memoirs: "...In my thoughts I am sending warm thanks to this brave company: for saving the day at Naprawa, for outstanding participation in the assault at Kasina, for doubling and tripling its presence on the Brigade's eastern flank, for they were supporting the unit's morale just with their presence; for they did not evede hardest tasks by telling, that they are only old, training junk".
The company found some fuel at last in nearby villages (an improvised mixture of kerosene with denatured alcohol), but it was not enough for all tanks, and only three tanks arrived at Kolbuszowa town on 8 September in the evening. Then, the commander of the Cracov Army's armoured forces directed them to move to Nisko behind the San river. They got assigned there to the 6th Infantry Division to strengthen the soldiers' morale, and finally on 13 September, to the 21st Mountain Division of the same "Boruta" Operational Group (GO). On 15 September they took part in the combat of Oleszyce, against the German 45th Inf.Div. Among others, they protected the divisional staff. The surrounded 21st Division surrendered on 16 September (its commander Gen. J. Kustroń fell in a breakthrough trial). One tank was destroyed by artillery near Koziejówka village, the other two were captured by the Germans[2].
The rest of the 121st Company's tanks found themselves at Kolbuszowa on 9 September, and were used in the town's defence against the 2nd Panzer Division. A heavy fighting lasted all afternoon and evening, both sides suffering losses. The company lost three vehicles, while covering the Polish withdrawal towards the Łęg river (in Dzikowiec – Raniżów villages area). It was not the end of the company, though, but it still fought with the 6th Infantry Division (of the GO "Boruta"). According to one report, six tanks took part in later battles with the Division, especially during the crossing of the river Tanew (the Division's attack on Narol and Bełżec on 17-18 September). During these battles, Cpt. Rączkowski was injured and commanded from a field car, lying on stretchers. The company had three tanks and about 20 men left at that time[1].
The second unit to use Vickers tanks was the 12th Light Tank Company of the Warsaw Armoured-Motorized Brigade (WBP-M), commanded by Cpt. Czesław Blok. During mobilization, four tanks (the company and troops' commanders) received radio sets.
During August and the first two weeks of September 1939, the Brigade was being organized and trained, and stayed on the right bank of the Vistula. The first combat action, against the German bridgehead over the Vistula near Annopol, took place on 13 September. It was not fortunate, though. The 12th Company attacked German positions behind Księżomierz village, towards Annopol – Kraśnik road, too fast, without infantry support, taking all the German fire, and losing two tanks, hit by AT guns from the 4th Light Division. Withdrawing tanks were taken as the enemy and shot at by the Polish infantry (with some wounded only). During the next days, Polish units were in a permanent retreat. The tanks were breaking down and six had to be left behind. There was a problem with finding fuel as well. On 17 September two tanks were supporting a motorcycle platoon, ordered to capture the road in Krasnobród town. The Polish unit encountered two armoured cars there (probably from the 4th Light Division), and both were destroyed by Vickers tanks[1].
The last - and the second biggest tank battle in 1939 campaign, was the battle of Tomaszów Lubelski. The Brigade, with other Polish units, tried to break through to Lviv (the WBP-M absorbed numerous Polish units on the way, including 7TP tanks from the 1st Light Tank Battalion and many tankettes from two or three units). The town and nearby villages were held by the German 11th Motor Rifle Rgt, a tank company of the 33rd Battalion (the 4th Light Division), and the elements of the 2nd Panzer Division, coming to the town. The first assault took place on 18 September in the morning. Eight remaining Vickers tanks, along with tankettes of the 11th Company, supported an attack of the motorized 1st Mounted Rifle Regiment, from the north-west of the town (other Polish units were attacking from the west). Despite heavy fighting, the attack failed. Four Vickers tanks and eight tankettes were lost. After dark, the Polish forces attacked once again. After fierce fighting, the Polish achieved minimal success, but only one Vickers was left. On the next day, the Poles, supported by the last Vickers and seven 7TP tanks, attempted the night assault once again. It failed, and only one 7TP survived. The Brigade capitulated on 20 September, after the last breakthrough attempt.
The remaining 3-4 twin-turret training tanks, which were not included into the 12th Company, were gathered in the 3rd Armoured Weapons Reserve Centre (OZ 3), formed in Żurawica. On 17 September, Poland was invaded by the Soviet Union from the east. On the way south to the Hungarian border – towards the Dnestr crossing at Nyzhniv, two Vickers tanks and three tankettes were destroyed on 18 September 1939 by invading Soviet tanks near Dobrovody, north of Monastyryska (probably from the 4th Tank Brigade, 25th Tank Corps)[note 5]. The rest were probably abandoned earlier due to technical reasons. According to one report, one more twin-turret Vickers from the CWBrPanc went to the 1st Reserve Centre, and then improvised so-called 5th Armoured Battalion. It was reportedly destroyed by the Soviet tanks, on 19 September near Monastyryska[note 6].
All damaged, destroyed or broken down Vickers tanks were captured by the Germans or Soviets, but were not used by them (the Soviets "hijacked" also several tanks for evaluation from a battlefield at Tomaszów Lubelski, in German occupation zone, including several German machines).
In early 21th century, one single-turret Vickers tank was reconstructed, using among others original parts found on battlefields and in nearby villages. From 2019 it is in Armoured Weapons Museum in Poznań. Parts are also exhibited at Home Army Museum in Cracov.
Miscellaneous photos of Polish Vickers tanks are in the gallery.
The tanks in the Polish service were first camouflaged in an early four-color camouflage, consisting of relatively small patches, separated with thin dark stripes (see on a photo of a twin-turret tank at the top of the page). It might have been Polish camouflage pattern of 1928, consisting of patches in dark brown, dark green, blue-gray and light yellowish gray. More probably it was Vickers factory camouflage, similar to Vickers tanks sold to other countries (possibly applied according to Polish regulations).
In late 1932, Polish standard three-colour camouflage scheme was introduced, commonly called in Poland the "Japanese-style" one. Photographs reveal, that it was used on Vickers tanks only from 1934. It consisted of big irregular contrasting patches, separated with black stripes. There are however doubts as for the colors used, with original documents lacking. Traditional publications commonly quote bright yellowish sand, dark green and dark brown, what seems in accordance with photos. According to the newest research of preserved plates, however, it consisted of yellowish sand, olive green and light blue-gray; blue-gray being the lightest shade seen on photographs (read more on tankettes page). The interior was blue-gray, inner surfaces of hatches were camouflaged. There was no standard pattern and all tanks differed.
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Polish Vickers E Type A in the earliest 4-colour camouflage, 1932-1933. Copyright © Thierry Vallet - Kameleon Profils - courtesy by the author. |
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Vickers E in final camouflage, with tactical marking of company commander, before the war. |
In 1936, Polish tanks were repainted in a new standard three-colour camouflage scheme, of irregular airbrushed patches of greyish sand, dark brown and olive-green. The patches had soft transitions, their shapes were mainly oblong and horizontal. There was not any standard pattern of patches. Transitions between colours are often inconspicuous on black and white photos. An interior was painted sand, including hatches. Some documents are lacking, but the camouflage was introduced by Technical Requirements for paints Nr. 4055 of 18 March 1936.
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Polish Vickers E Type B in the standard final camouflage, in 1937-1939. Copyright © Thierry Vallet - Kameleon Profils - courtesy by the author. |
![]() ![]() | Polish Vickers E tanks twin- and single-turret, in a standard 1937 camouflage. Drawings - Adam Jońca, [3] (note: these drawings are rather old and may not represent camouflage accurately) |
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A turret of the Polish Vickers Mk.E Type B before the Zaolzie operation, 1938 (note a dog insignia on a turret). See a whole scene. |
From early 1930s, until 1939, Polish armoured vehicles, including Vickers tanks, carried no nationality signs nor other permanent insignia in any form. Only before the war, there were used tactical signs of metal sheet attached for training purpose – discs (the 1st platoon), triangles (the 2nd) or squares (the 3rd). The signs were white with a vertical red stripe for a platoon commander, or a small red figure inside (a disc, a triangle or a square respectively) for the second in command. The company commander had a combination of all three figures.
Painting of any marks or inscriptions was forbidden by the regulation from 28 August 1938, and tactical signs were reserved for training only. However, there was an exception made for manouvres in Volhynia in autumn 1938 and following Zaolzie operation, because the tanks carried unit insignia on turrets, in a form of a dog and (apparently) dancing elephant then. They also carried atypical tactictal signs then in a form of horizontal or vertical rectangles with transversal stripes (there are no documents describing them known). These insignia were painted over by November 1938.
The tanks' registration numbers (from ranges 1354–1361 and 1462–1491) were painted on front armour only from 1935 until 1937. Usually they were white, rarely black. From at least 1933 until 1937 they were also painted on small attached plate on the right of rear armour plate. Since 1937 these numbers were replaced with new registration plates, standard for all Polish vehicles, which were carried inside (in case of military vehicles they were in a form: W0x-xxx).
The technical specifications are in Part I.
Models of the Polish variant of Vickers Mk.E light tanks (other Vickers Mk.E models are described in part II). The models present tanks with air intakes, in 1939 configuration, unless noted otherwise. Most of kits have incorrect names. Links lead to Scalemates service. You can share your comments on the models.
1. Poland wanted to buy 50 "Medium Mark D" or "Medium 1924" tanks, "already produced for the British Army", mentioned in a document from 31 July 1925, but there was no such tank at the moment and it certainly concerned Medium Mark II tank. Initial design of Vickers export tank (Medium C) was shown to Poland in autumn 1925, but it was rejected due to weak armour 6.5 mm. In January 1927 Polish delegation watched Mark C tank built for Japan. Publications suggest, that the tank with stronger armour proposed afterwards was Mark D, eventually bought in 1929 by Ireland, but there is no specific information, that its armour had been strengthened comparing to Mark C. It is therefore possible, that the tank with stronger armour remained a proposal only, and eventual Mark D was a different machine. For unknown reasons, the Polish Army insisted on Medium Mark II tank only, as being proven by the British Army, and treated export Vickers models with distrust, in spite of their more modern layout with rear engine and potentially better armour (Medium Mark II tanks had quite weak armour as well). The first to research a subject of negotiations with Vickers and models taken under consideration more thoroughly, was Michał Kuchciak [6]. It should be added, that Medium Mark IIA tanks of the British Army model were eventually exported to the USSR in 1931, where obviously they did not impress anybody by that moment.
2. At the time of signing the contract, one tank was to cost 153,900 złotys at exchange rate of 1:40.5 (£3800).
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Well-known photograph described as V7TP nr. 1359 |
3. According to a list of numbers quoted by J. Magnuski, the tank no. 1359 rebuilt to V7TP was single-turret. J. Korbal repeats this information and adds, that its turret might have been used to try new anti tank guns in the Armoured Weapons' Technical Research Bureau [7]. There is no clear-cut confirmation of no. 1359 tank's configuration. On the other hand, there is a well-known photograph of the tank, visualy identical to twin-turret 7TP, described to be V7TP prototype. If it was true, it was probably counted in 7TP number from then on. There are no photographs of a hybrid with 7TP-style hull and Vickers turret.
4. Polish universal ball weapon mountings were developed in 1930-1934 years (early model was seen in wz. 29 armoured car prototype in 1930). Vickers tanks were fitted with these mountings in early 1933 or earlier - there is a photograph of the tank without gun mountings, shown to Senate commission on 14 February 1933. We show a photograph of a platoon of five twin-turret Vickers Mk E armed with machine guns and 37 mm SA cannons in left turrets, captioned in archives as Independece Day 11 November 1932, but its dating is not sure and some authors, like Adam Jońca, suspect it is November 1933.
5. The skirmish place at Dobrovody and losses according to source [2]. The Soviet 4th Tank Brigade claimed to take part in some skirmish at Dobrovody and capture one tankette there (Janusz Magnuski, Maksym Kołomijec "Czerwony blitzkrieg", Pelta 1994, Warsaw). Source [2] indicated the 5th Tank Brigade.
6. A report on the Vickers from the CWBrPanc is from source [1], which claims it was destroyed by the Soviet 23rd Tank Brigade tanks near Monastyryska on 19 September. However, the 23rd Brigade operated some 50 km south. Also a place may be incorrectly given. There is no confirmation in [2].
Main sources:
1. Janusz Magnuski: Angielski lekki czołg Vickers Mark E w polskiej służbie; "Nowa Technika Wojskowa" nr. 5/99 and 6/99.
2. A. Jońca, R. Szubański, J. Tarczyński: Wrzesień 1939 - Pojazdy Wojska Polskiego - Barwa i broń; WKŁ; Warsaw 1990.
3. Jan Tarczyński, K. Barbarski, A. Jońca: Pojazdy w Wojsku Polskim - Polish Army Vehicles - 1918-1939; Ajaks; Pruszków 1995.
4. Rajmund Szubański: Polska broń pancerna 1939; Warsaw 1989
5. Rafał Białkowski: Pancerna afera, czyli... czego nie wiemy o czołgu Vickers E w Polsce (i Piotr Mruk: Czołg lekki Vickers 6-ton Mark E w dokumentach Centralnego Archiwum Wojskowego); "Do Broni" special issue 2/2009.
6. Michał Kuchciak: Czołg lekki Vickers 6-Ton w Wojsku Polskim w latach 1931-1939, Oświęcim: Napoloen V, 2018
7. Jędrzej Korbal: Czołg lekki Vickers Mk E, "Wielki Leksykon Uzbrojenia" - special issue 1/2019, Warsaw: Edipresse Polska 2019
8. Adam Jońca: Vickers Mark E, series: Pojazdy Wojska Polskiego nr 3; Vesper; Czerwonak 2021.
Update history:
Main page – Polish armour – Polish artillery – Steel Panthers – Links
You can mail me with question or comments - corrections or photographs are welcome
All photos and pictures remain the property of their owners. They are published in non-commercial educational and research purpose.
Text copyright to Michal Derela, © 2003-2023