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  © Michal Derela, 2000 Updated: 15. 09. 2024  

Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German service

This page is a supplement to the Ti3 armoured locomotive page.

The Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German Panzerzug 22.

These are the photos of Polish Ti3-4 armoured locomotive, employed in the Panzerzug 22 armoured train. It was originally used in the Polish armoured train Nr. 54 ("Grozny"), captured in 1939 by Germans. They were taken in France, between 1941-1942, when Panzerzug 22 was used in occupation service there. The Ti3-4 was used in the PZ 22 until 1942.

The locomotive was modified by Germans - it got extensive extra upper armour screens, which completely changed its silhouette. In German service it was given the number 54 651, but as is evident from a photo on the right, the new owners retained Polish number plate on the driver's cab. It was however repainted with a camouflage (originally it was red), and naturally Polish national White Eagle sign was removed. Note open two-part doors - it seems, that the Germans applied additional armour from inside.

See also the PZ 22 armoured train gallery


The Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German Panzerzug 22

Good overall view of the Ti3-4 of the PZ 22 train. A line of division of armour screens is visible. The Germans also added side screens in front of the locomotive, protecting passage. Behind the locomotive there is a former assault wagon from Polish Nr.52 ("Piłsudczyk") train, then a small artillery wagon from the Polish trainng train.

The Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German Panzerzug 22 The Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German Panzerzug 22.

Note extra armour screens on the locomotive's top, added by Germans. The picture on the right shows clearly, that there was a space to walk between the boiler and the armoured side. The door was added by Germans - apparently there was made a corridor to driver's cab and command turret, enabling passage from wagons on the move.

The Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German Panzerzug 22

Two interesing photos of Ti3-4 command turret overhead, looking towards the locomotive front. Note a ventilation hatch in a driver's cab roof. High extra armour screens were also enlarging the tender's capacity (note the coal loaded high, up to turret's base). Two sliding hatches were German modification - in Polish service they opened outwards, what can be seen on Nr. 54 train page.

The Ti3-4 armoured locomotive in German Panzerzug 22

Our thanks to Jarkko Vihavainen.

1. Paul Malmassari, "Les Trains Blindes 1826 - 1989"; Editions Heimdal, 1989
2. Wolfgang Savodny, "Die Panzerzüge des Deutschen Reiches"; EK Verlag
3. Wolfgang Savodny, "German armoured trains in World War II"; Schiffer, 1989


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All photos and pictures remain the property of their owners. They are published in non-commercial educational and research purpose. Photographs were mostly or exclusively taken by anonymous German soldiers.
Text copyright to Michal Derela, © 2000-2024